ملاحظات: - لا يشترط تقليب التربة بعد وضع السماد للنبات ولكن يفضل ذلك حيث أن له دور كبير في تسريع امتصاص النبتة للسماد.
Intenzivna proizvodnja i dobri prinosi belog luka zahtevaju pravovremeno i kvalitetno izvođenje svih agrotehničkih mera. Potrebe belog luka u hranivima najviše su vezane za azot (N) i kalijum (K) i nešto manje za fosfor (P)
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Amount 12 is One of the more mysterious figures, with many people believing that it's some Particular Qualities and meanings.
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The two numbers we multiply together are called multiplicands and multipliers or simply things. The result of the multiplication is called the merchandise.
At the start of The expansion time period or when desired, it can be applied in a dosage of 200 g for 12-12-36 npk every decare.
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Nutrition Certifications Van Iperen WS NPKs are top high-quality blends created from the purest raw supplies, with limited caking sensitivity and with superior amount EDTA-chelated micro-nutrients for fertigation or foliar application.
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Kompleksno, čvrsto, mineralno đubrivo koje sadrži sve neophodne makro i mikroelemente kojim obezbeđujemo potpunu ishranu gajenim biljkama u toku proizvodnog ciklusa